#2 Q+A weight loss, going back to MA, bedtime struggles

Season #1

Welcome back to You’re Glowing!✨

I may be a little stuffed up this week, but that’s not gonna stop me from answering some of your most requested questions and giving you the low down on my Christmas list.

6:40 How do you wax?

7:25 What are the best ab exercises for when you’re pregnant?

8:45 How do you keep up supply when working out and breastfeeding?

11:05 Is Blake potty trained?

13:00 How do you keep healthy with so much sickness going around?

14:50 How do you recommend changing your nutrition to meet your fat loss goals?
19:10 Do you have any trips to Mass planned?

20:30 Did you like being pregnant?

22:10 Hospital bag must haves?

23:10 Is Blake in a toddler bed?

29:00 Do you exchange gifts with your husband for Christmas? If so, what are you buying?

31:20 What’s on my Christmas list?

Whether you’re cozied up on the couch or marathoning through the grocery store with your little ones, I’m excited you’re here!

XO, Kim


 Links you’ll want after this episode:

Let’s be friends!