What NOT to say to a pregnant woman




Comments I received this summer at the beach:

- “You need a bathing suit that covers your belly”

- “Are you having twins? Or is there only one baby in there?”

- “You still have so far to go, how much bigger can you get?!”


Other comments I got earlier this week:

- “You’re so tiny!!”

- “You don’t even look pregnant!”

- “I think I can see your abs still!”


Was I offended by these comments? Nope! I am so proud of this belly and I love being pregnant 💗 However, I do find it remarkable how all manners go out the window when talking about a pregnant woman’s body. People feel like they can say anything and everything about your size, weight gain, shape, etc!


Next time you see a pregnant woman, tell her she looks great! Ask her how she’s feeling & Offer to get her an iced water 🤰💗 I wasn’t offended by any of these comments but some women would be. Remember that a pregnant woman is still a woman and most likely doesn’t want to discuss her growing body, weight or size.


To all the pregnant mamas out there... you are amazing and pregnancy looks great on you!!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


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The *Ultimate* Guide to Having a Fit Pregnancy 

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Kim Perry is a certified personal trainer for future mamas, pregnant mamas, and postpartum.