Second Trimester Recap!
Second Trimester Recap!
I cannot believe I'm in my THIRD trimester! Where is the time going?!
This pregnancy has been very similar to my first and the second trimester was pure bliss!
How I'm feeling:
- Energized!! - Mornings are still the best part of my day and I've had WAY more energy this trimester. I tend to get tired around dinner time but still feeling good!
- Nauseous - Only if I haven't eaten in 3+ hours!
- None of my clothes fit!...well they do, but my belly is poppin'! All I want to wear is pajamas, dresses or anything comfortable and flowy.
- Excited!! - I am SO excited to be having another baby girl! We cannot wait to meet her! I have to start going through Ayla's old baby clothes!
- Strong - I've been keeping up with my workouts and I am feeling GOOD! I love moving my body and breaking a sweat! It gives me energy and I know that I am taking care of myself and my baby!
Doctor's Appointments:
My last doctor's appointment was on July 9th. I had a list of questions and my doctor (and nurse) were super sweet and answered everything!
My major concerns were back pain, leg cramps & the glucose test.
Back pain - I've been experiencing back pain in my lower left side. Their tips were to stretch, massage and use a heating pad.
Leg Cramps - I woke up to my first charlie horse and OMG! So painful! I had these all the time with Ayla. They recommended potassium and magnesium (banana, spinach, almonds, cherries, nuts, avocado, pumpkin seeds, etc.)
Glucose test - I wanted to explore other options to this test and my doctor agreed that I could monitor my blood sugar on my own! I mentioned this on social media and got a lot of feed back so I was happy when my doctor gave me the ok to do this! I will do a separate post on this!!
Moving into the third trimester I will have appointments every other week!
I haven't had any cravings but there are certain foods that are more appealing than others.
Favorite food SECOND trimester:
Fruit - watermelon, strawberries, pineapple, blueberries, grapefruit, grapes, plums, peaches, etc!
Avocado toast
Coconut yogurt
Hummus wraps
Potatoes in any form!
Asparagus/green beans/celery/cucumber
Quinoa salad
Food I don't really like during my SECOND trimester:
Meat - chicken, beef, turkey (but I still occasionally have some)
Desserts - I want it but my belly cannot handle the sugar!
Oatmeal - too mushy
My workouts have been awesome! I have been using my Fit Pregnancy Guide to maintain my strength and endurance.
I have been exercising 5-6 mornings a week and I bring Ayla for walks in the stroller in the afternoons. Chasing around a toddler is extra cardio when you're pregnant along with cleaning, walking up stairs, etc! But I am taking advantage of this extra energy!
I'm sleeping great! I go to bed between 9:30 and 10:30 pm depending on the night. Now that it's summer time it's easier to stay up late but I want to stick to my routine and wake up early! I'm trying to give my body as much rest as possible, so going to bed early will ensure I get plenty of rest before my morning workout!
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