First Trimester Recap!
I'm well into my second trimester but I wanted to reflect on my first few months of my pregnancy. This pregnancy has been very similar to my first!
How I'm feeling:
- Tired - Mostly in the afternoons and evenings. Morning are the best part of my day.
- Nauseous - All day everyday, but I only got sick twice! I've been drinking a lot of caffeine-free tea and juice that seem to help with the nausea
- None of my clothes fit!...well they do, but it's harder to hid my belly and all I want to wear is pajamas
- Sensitive skin - This happened when I was pregnant with Ayla too. My skin feels dryer and itchy and I'm sensitive to certain fabrics.
- A little irritable - This one depends on the day. But if you catch me on the wrong day watch out! I've been a little cranky but that could also be because of how tired I feel.
- Headaches - Another symptom of pregnancy that isn't fun. Usually the only way I can get rid of a headache now is by sleeping it away!
Doctor's Appointments:
Blood test - to confirm my pregnancy on March 1, 2018
Ultrasound - to find out how far along I was on March 2, 2018
Routine Doctors appointment - to hear the heartbeat for the first time! March 8, 2018
Routine Doctor's Appointment - Listen to heartbeat & scheduled ultrasound! April 23
I haven't had any cravings but there are certain foods that are more appealing than others.
Favorite food first trimester:
Fruit - strawberries, pineapple, blueberries, grapefruit, grapes, watermelon, plums, peaches, etc!
Avocado toast
Hummus wraps
Potatoes in any form!
Iceberg lettuce salad
PB&J sandwich
Asparagus/green beans/celery/cucumber
Quinoa salad
Annie's organic fruit gummies
Dried fruit
Food I don't really like during my first trimester:
Meat - chicken, beef, turkey (but I still occasionally have some)
Desserts - I want it but my belly cannot handle the sugar!
Peanut butter - I usually put this on everything... not anymore!
Lot of flavor - I prefer bland when I'm pregnant!
Oatmeal - too mushy
Yogurt - not interested
My workouts haven't changed that much. I am totally capable of completing one of my 10 minute workouts but I started incorporating some modifications.
I noticed I get winded quickly which is totally normal for pregnant women. Also it's a lot easier to hit snooze these days! Hoping to have some more energy heading into my 2nd trimester!!
I'm sleeping fine! I'm exhausted most days in the afternoon. I take naps when I get the chance and I go to bed between 8:30 and 10pm depending on the night. Waking up in the morning has been difficult especially because I keep using the "but I'm pregnant" excuse. I'm trying to give my body as much rest as possible, but I feel so much better when I complete my morning routine before everyone wakes up!
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