Embracing Your Baby’s Unique Milestones

mindset mom


As a mom, watching your baby grow and develop is one of the most beautiful and sometimes challenging experiences. When I shared my pregnancy journey with Jesse online, I connected with so many other moms expecting around the same time. It was exciting to follow their stories, but it also brought some unexpected feelings.

I remember seeing their babies hit milestones—some in December, some in January, February, and March—while I was still pregnant. Then, as Jesse came into the world and began his journey, I started to notice the comparisons creeping in. I'd think, Oh, that baby is doing that at six months? Jesse will be doing that soon too! But when the milestone passed, and Jesse wasn't there yet, I felt that twinge of doubt.

Every Baby Develops at Their Own Pace

Thankfully, my seasoned mom brain kicked in. I’ve been down this road before with my older kids. Ayla walked just after her first birthday, Rosie took her first steps at 10 months, and Blakey didn’t start walking until 15 months. Each child followed their own unique timeline, and Jesse is no different.

I had to remind myself—and I want to remind you, too—there’s no "race" when it comes to milestones. Whether it's sitting up, crawling, or walking, every baby moves at their own pace. What matters most is their overall health and happiness.

Checking In on Jesse’s Milestones

Jesse has been such a chill, happy baby. He’s our fourth, and he’s constantly surrounded by the joyful chaos of his older siblings. He’s used to the noise, the laughter, and the energy. But when the house is quiet, that’s when he really becomes vocal.

Here’s a little update on where Jesse is at with his milestones:

Physical Development:

  • Rolling over: Jesse rolls all over, though I haven’t kept track of whether it’s in both directions.
  • Sitting: He sits on his own just fine now.
  • Crawling/Scooting: He doesn’t crawl yet but has mastered the cutest little spin-scoot to reposition himself.
  • Pulling up to stand: Not there yet, and that’s perfectly okay!


  • Jesse understands simple cues like "yay!" and lifts his hands in celebration. While he’s not saying "mama" or "dada" in context yet, he lights up whenever he sees me.

Fine Motor Skills:

  • He’s working on a pincer grasp and can pick up tiny objects (which makes frequent vacuuming a necessity!). He also bangs toys together and is learning to clap, albeit with closed fists for now.


  • Jesse loves being around family and gets visibly uneasy when he’s left alone. But the joy he expresses when we return makes those moments all the more special.

Letting Go of Comparisons

It’s so easy to compare our babies to others. Whether it's online friends or family, it’s natural to wonder if our child is “on track.” But here’s the thing—each child is unique. They’re not running a race or checking boxes on a timeline; they’re blazing their own trails.

If you ever feel concerned, talking to your pediatrician is always a good first step. They can provide reassurance or guidance if action steps are needed. But most of the time, your baby is just fine, and you’re doing an amazing job.

Preparing for the Next Stage

As Jesse grows, I know we’ll face new challenges and milestones. Crawling will mean baby-proofing the house, installing gates, and locking cabinets. And even though it feels like a whirlwind, I’m soaking up every moment.

A Reminder for Moms

Wherever you are in your parenting journey, remember this: Your child is unique. Their development is their own, and there’s no need to compare. Trust yourself, love your baby, and enjoy the ride.

You’re doing great, mama!

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Kim Perry is a certified personal trainer for future mamas, pregnant mamas, and postpartum.