BREASTFEEDING supplements!
I’ve had a few questions about supplements that have helped my milk supply👏🏼 I have been using all of these products interchangeably for the past 8 weeks and my supply has been great 🙌🏼
1. @premamawellness lactation support 💜 SO yummy! I mix it with water and drink it in the afternoon
2. @milkbliss overnight oats! These are delicious and make breakfast time a breeze! They also have cookies 🍪 I ate 2 before bed last night and woke up so full I had to pump! 🍼
3. Tea! There are different brands of lactation tea but I found this organic one at Walmart ☕️ This one contains fennel & fenugreek (herbs that help boost supply!)
4. Energy bites! Ingredients: oats, peanut butter, flaxmeal, honey or syrup, chocolate chips, and vanilla extract. These are super satisfying!
Other factors that make a difference: Water! Staying hydrated has a huge impact on my supply! 💦 And rest! When I’m depleted, my milk supply is depleted.
To all the breastfeeding mamas- You are doing a GREAT JOB!! Keep it up!
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