9 Ways to Shift Your Mindset



It’s not easy being positive all the time. Especially when you’re pregnant... and tired... and stressed!


I’ve learned that there a lot of things you can’t control. I’ve also learned that life is more fun when you have a positive mindset.

Changing your mindset can make chores feel less daunting, dinner time more relaxing and your commute to work fun!

Not gonna lie, some days I get home from work and I’m a complete grump! (My poor husband 😂) The best thing I can do for myself at times like this is to go for a walk, listen to music, or drink some tea 😋 I try to stay in a positive state as much as possible! Because when I’m happy, I’m a better mom & wife and life is FUN.


Here are a few ways to change your mindset when you are feeling grumpy:

  1. Put on your favorite song (bonus points if you dance!!)
  2. Take 5 deep breaths
  3. Journal
  4. Go for a 10 minute walk
  5. Do one of my HIIT workouts
  6. Drink some fruit infused water
  7. Go outside
  8. Make a gratitude list
  9. Meditate for 3 minutes

Your mindset is so important! Take the time to reset your mind and let the positivity come flowing in!


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Kim Perry is a certified personal trainer for future mamas, pregnant mamas, and postpartum.