5 workout tips for moms

fitness mom


Working out with a baby is not an easy task, but I found a way to make it work! If I could give every mom 5 tips for working out I would tell them:


  1. Don't waste your time!!

Your time is so valuable as a mom. Driving to and from the gym can take up to 30 minutes!! Instead, spend that time getting a good workout at home! Use your time wisely so you can spend more time with your family!

  1. Get creative

Stay open minded about working out! Squeeze in 10 squats every time you change a diaper, do 10 push ups while you're waiting for the microwave, hold a plank on the living room floor while your baby crawls underneath you! Look for opportunities to exercise.


  1. Stay focused

Stay present and focused during your workouts. You will create a mind-body connection and get more bang for your buck when you stay focused! Focus on your form, strength, speed and reps! A 10 minute, focused workout will be more effective than an hour of distracted exercise at the gym!


  1. Every bit counts

"I don't have time to workout!" I hear this everyday! But the truth is your workouts don't have to be 1+ hour long! 20 minute, 10 minute and even 5 minute workouts are effective! Staying consistent with your workouts will make the biggest difference in your health and fitness. The small workouts add up so stay committed and consistent!!


  1. Find what works for you!

You may prefer to workout during nap time... Or maybe you're like me and workout before the sunrises! What's important is that you find what works for YOU! What can you maintain? What would get you excited to workout?! Finding out what works for you will help you find consistency, stay motivated and start seeing results!!

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Kim Perry is a certified personal trainer for future mamas, pregnant mamas, and postpartum.